【model運動達人Yen推介】3個健康飲食法則 「瘦」不再是夢





撰文:Yen Wong|編輯:Manyi|圖片來源:Instagram

You are what you eat!

1. 少吃零食比節食重要



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Cholesterol lowering foods: the power is on your plate! 💪🥗❤️ . Cardiovascular disease kills someone every 40 seconds. Unfortunately, many people believe that they inherit their cardiovascular health genetically, and make statements like, “Heart disease runs in my family.” 🧀🍖🍳The truth is that only 2-3% of the population actually inherits genetic abnormalities that require pharmaceutical medication. The remaining 97-98% can control their cardiovascular health using a diet low in animal products and high in cholesterol-lowering foods. . The most effective cholesterol lowering foods are those from the plant world, which automatically contain zero cholesterol and zero saturated fat. These foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. They are also high in cardioprotective nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, and antioxidants. 🍑🥝🍇 . If you find this type of information as intriguing and empowering as we do, you might want to click the link in our bio to learn the truth about cholesterol lowering foods and tag someone that could benefit from this information! 👫 . 📸 @laurafruitfairy
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3. 自行烹調



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식단만으로 될 일이 아니야..각성하자.무브무브🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️간만에 도시락통에 담아오니 더 맛있는거 같구 막…살 이미 빠진거 같구 막 … – – #숨프렙#밀프렙#직장인도시락#도시락그램#도시락반찬#저칼로리도시락#닭고야#닭가슴살샐러드#샐러드#당근라페#아임닭
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