
20分鐘全身性伸展瑜伽,合適初學者 20 mins Peaceful Stretch to Release Stress and Tension




這是一個合適初學者的全身性 #伸展 #瑜伽,會伸展到肩頸,側腰,大腿內側和後側的肌肉。適合安排在任何時間做,有助舒緩身心壓力,改善#肌肉僵硬 和 #身體疲勞,提升身體的活力。

This 20 mins relaxation stretch targets your neck, shoulders and legs. It is suitable for beginners and people who are felling over worked, tired or physically/emotionally drained. This class is perfect to practice at any time of the day. Moving through these gentle postures, you are going to let go of tensions stored in your body and calm your mind.


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