【model運動達人Yen Wong】4個你需要追蹤的ig索女健身教練





撰文:Yen Wong|編輯:Manyi|圖片來源:Instagram

【model運動達人Yen Wong】4個你需要追蹤的ig索女健身教練

1. Amanda (amandabisk)



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WHOLE BODY SCULPT 👊🏼 This is an awesome workout that focuses on building strength, control and coordination 😬🙌🏼 I’m so excited to let you guys know that this workout (and many of the others that you see on my feed) will be included as follow-along workouts in my FITNESS FEBRUARY 28day CHALLENGE!! 🤩🤩🤩 So you can get all of my real-time tips and encouragement during your workout!! 🥳 Wooooo!! 👉🏼 4 Rounds 10 x CURTSY LUNGE TO SIDE LUNGE 10 x PUSH UP REACH & SQUEEZE 10 x SODE PLANK CRUNCH TO REACH THRU 10 x REVERSE BURPEES . Smash out a whole month of amazing follow-along workouts & yoga classes with me FEBRUARY 1st!! ☺️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 …available on my app Fresh Body Fit Mind! 👉🏼📱😘 #freshbodyfitmind #fitnesschallenge ab♥️x . Music: Chameleon (L D R U Remix) – Pnau
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HIP FLEXOR STRETCHES✨😌✨After all the siting we do in a day (driving, working at a desk, eating, lounging on the couch…) These stretches are some of my fave to gain lost flexibility in the hips ☺️🙌🏼 and…they also help lower back pain! 👉🏼Try this flow from start to finish holding each stretch for 10 long deep breaths… 1. HIGH KNEELING LUNGE Great for directly targeting your hip flexors. Make sure your lunge is LONG (legs split wide and front toe is in front of your knee). INHALE as you pull belly button in and lengthen through your lower back & EXHALE as you squeeze your bottom to push your hips forward. TIP! >> Keep your abs engaged for the entire stretch and push against your knee to keep your chest up. 2. TWISTED HIGH KNEELING LUNGE This gets deeper into your hip flexors (Psoas muscle). Reach your OPPOSITE arm up & back while your other arm reaches for your hamstring. The bottom knee and fingers on the same side should create a big arc! TIP! >> Keep your belly button pulled in & don’t collapse in your lower back. 3. KNEELING LUNGE WITH BOX An awesome way to get deeper into the hip flexors by pushing against the box allow greater hip extension. TIP! >> As you relax into the stretch (after the first 5 breaths), shuffle your back knee further back to increase the stretch. 4. FIRE LOG POSE I find this difficult BUT it is the BEST release for the hips (especially TFL…the muscle on the outside of your hip which connects to you IT Band). Make sure you FLEX your feet (toes pointing to front) and aim to stack your shins on top of each other. If you can’t do this, straighten your bottom leg in front of you. TIP! >> Sit up tall (think of pulling your belly button forward), to go deeper reach forward. . Enjoy fam! ☺️🙏🏼 #hipflexorstretch #backpain ab♥️x . Try my follow-along Yoga & stretching classes on my app 🍃Fresh Body Fit Mind!🍃 On iPhone & Android! 🙌🏼😃 . Music: Gold – CASHFORGOLD & Tim Schaufert
Amanda Bisk(@amandabisk)分享的貼文 於 張貼


2. Kirsty (kirstygodso)



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Got 5 mins? Try this Glider workout 🔥⚡️✨ Got 10? Do it twice! 1. Single leg climber – 30 seconds each leg. 2. Glider hamstring curls – 1 min 3. High Bear Tuck (keep hips high in the tuck and stop knees under hips) – 1 min 4. High plank to low plank saw – 1 min 5. Bear Glide with Shoulder taps – 6 steps forward/back repeated for the minute No gliders? Use socks on a hard wood floor! It’s PYRO SEASON 🔥🔥🔥 #letswork #pyrogirls #niketraining
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3.Izabel (izabelgoulart)

受追捧的Victoria’s Secret Angel 中,有着意大利血統的巴西女孩Izabel 是較為出眾的一個。她熱愛運動,又經常分享運動健身貼士,加上古銅色肌膚,打造健康又性感的身材。而Izabel做運動也容易上手,運動組合變化很多,為運動增添趣味。


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#BodyByIza Focus! Dedication!Motivation 👊💥🔥 !!! Have you achieved your workout goals of 2018? Don’t stop!! lets do it !! #BodyByIza Foco! Dedicação! Motivação 👊💥🔥 Você atingiu suas metas de treino de 2018? Não pare !! Bora malhar galera!!! #workout #motivation #lescinqgym #gym
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#BodyByIza in Mykonos ☀️👊💥 #vacation #mykonos #greece #workout #focus #dedication #motivation
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#BodyByIza lifestyle 👊💥 I’m in. You in? Estilo de vida #BodyByIza ! Eu estou dentro! E você? 👊💥 #workout #healthy #lifestyle #focus #dedication #motivation #lets
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4. Kayla (kayla_itsines)

